Populist Party 14 Point Platform For A Better Britain
- Populists are opposed to the rampant uncontrolled free market.
- Populists are therefore anti-globalisation. Populists support self-determination for all peoples ; the preservation of nations, cultures, peoples and species against globalisation and standardisation.
- Populists support preservation of history through museums and galleries, conservation of nature and greater listing of buildings of historic importance. Rural life should be defended against the developer and that we should guarantee the land for future generations. A clean earth is our birthright and we should see ourselves not as the world's owners, merely its stewards.
- Populists support armed Neutrality. A policy of non-alignment is the best way to avoid unnecessary wars.
- Populists support protectionism. Proper sovereignty means a nation state keeping its own currency, and controlling its own economy.
- Populists support Money Reform and oppose the international finance model of economy and private usury (money lending).
- Populists support localism.
- Populists oppose free movement of peoples across borders without proper border controls and we support strict limits on immigration.
- Populists support Public Provision. Great strides were made in the 20th century to create a welfare system to protect ordinary folk from hardship.
- Populists believe in full employment and the fair distribution of work.
- Populists support the idea of Producerism. We believe people that benefit society should reap the fruits of their hard labour than those who don’t.
- Populists believe in Direct Democracy –a Swiss style Referendum system.
- Populists believe in Popular Justice. Populists believe that all people should be criminally responsible for their actions and that the "punishment should fit the crime".
- Populists support free speech and oppose political correctness.